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Thursday, August 21, 2014

What "Professional Land Surveyor" means to me.

I saw the following note on a survey plan from 1976, recorded at the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds. I thought I would reflect. "No deed research has been performed by this surveyor to ascertain who owns what." This plan was done in a time when the field of Land Surveying was still developing, having been a part of Civil Engineering for some time. In the 1960's, in the State of Maine, the State began to license surveyors. At first, people who had some experience in surveying could register for licensure. These first licensed surveyors could be called "grandfathered surveyors". Some of these licensees represented some cutting edge ideas and techniques and some represented only a technician's based ability to measure. Clearly this "grandfathered surveyor" knew how to explain what he had and had not done. In 2001 the Maine Board of Licensure for Professional Land Surveyors revised its standards and now believes that the surveying community knows how to educate the public about our work product. We can, and I do, produce work that does not meet the standards. It must be noted when the standards are not met. Sometimes that is all that is needed. Since starting Wheeler Surveying in 1998 I have decided that I will meet the standards to the greatest extent that I can. My clients rely on my training and experience to produce a solid and defendable survey. I always want to leave a situation better than I found it, oftentimes meeting a high standard is the only way to assure a quality work product. Knowing "who owns what" is something that my clients expect me to know. I prefer to know the standards, meet the standards and call myself a Professional Land Surveyor.


  1. I really like the idea of being a professional land surveyor. It seems like a really fun job, and I've always been a fan of those sort of things. I'm just don't know if it's a really reliable job, because I've heard their pay isn't amazing.

    1. Working as a land surveyor seems like it could be a really great job. If you enjoy being outdoors, then it could be a rewarding career. I can imagine that land surveying isn't a job that's high in demand though, so that would explain why they don't get paid really well. Some people work as land surveyors anyway, because they really love their work. If you love what you do, then money doesn't always matter.

  2. I've been looking for a surveyor to help with surveying property for my business. We're looking to build a new workshop but we need some help getting everything planned out. We want to be able to use all of the land we have to the best of our ability. http://www.sub-arctic.ca/whatWeDo.htm

  3. It is really interesting at how important a job like land surveying is for civil engineers and engineering in general. Without it, we would probably have more buildings that were like the leaning tower of Pisa. That would be pretty dangerous for all of us especially those that live in the city. http://www.wittlandsurveying.com/services

  4. I had no idea that they had land surveying that early. I thought it was just a recent thing. It's amazing to see how it's developed and how far it's come. I'm really interested to see where it goes and how much more popular it becomes. It will be amazing to see! http://www.myrtlebeachsurveyor.com

  5. It makes sense that land surveying started so long ago, but I had never thought about it before. I am looking at buying a piece of property, and my real estate agent told me I should have it surveyed, so I know exactly what I'm getting. I had no idea that should be done.


  6. Land surveying is very important in terms of determining the value of the property, Ensuring Accurate Boundaries, testing the site whether its fir for construction and also for Understanding Topography. Land surveying and engineering services to help you better understand your property and prepare for planned construction or land remodeling with confidence.
    Visit : http://www.calvadasurveying.com
