For me, Land Surveying was at the perfect intersection of my love for the outdoors, my apparent mathematical apptitude, my sense of family and history and my desire to live and work in my home State of Maine. Some of the most notable Surveyors in American history are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, a group of men that I would be proud to join in the fields and forests of this great country.
Being a self-employed Land Surveyor has its share of challenges and rewards. The phone might ring on a Sunday morning with a nervous client on the other end, glad that I picked up at such a bad time. On the other hand, I'm in charge. I set my own schedule and work load. I can coach my kids baseball or softball team because I make it fit. Overall I wouldn't change a thing.
I do remember that time that Mike and I got up to our waist in icy cold water, well I'll leave that for another post.